

  • Login with one of the default user, demo/password or user2/password2

  • Create your own account.

  • Delete the default accounts:

    • Log in with your own account.

    • Go to /delete_default_profiles.

    • Enter the password for the current logged username.

    • Hit delete and restart the app.

  • Verify that user2 and demo have been removed from the list.

  • You are now an admin. The admin is identified by the following line in the users.json file: "admin": true

  • Head to /setup to edit the environment variables in the .env file.

    • FEED_SEND: email address you wish to receive the feedback form answers

    • MAILJET...: enter your Mailjet API credentials to be able to send emails notifications. You MUST create a mailjet account to make the feature work. The feature is optional, leave the API fields blank to disable it.

    • SYSTEM_EMAIL: The email you added to mailjet. All notifications will be send with this one.

    • DELETE_DAYS: See Delete Script

Last updated